In no way did I mean for the post about how to help people going through this to come back to me! It is now my turn to make others aware of how to help others with breast cancer. I mean with odds of 1 in every 8 women are diagnosed with BC??? One of you will know someone else, or you may be thrown into this club yourself. It was just to help others. With that said, thank you Jana, for the pedicure gift card I am going this weekend!!!! DATE DAY WITH MY BIG GIRL!! So it is official my best chance to raise my survival rate is to do combined therapy. My diagnosis is Premenopausal (I know sounds weird, but with all these crazy estrogen hormones it makes a difference in the treatment.) Stage II A (meaning it is really the size (2.2cm) and the grade(high) of the tumor since it's not in my lymph nodes, and there is no evidence of it metastasising) ER +, PR +, HER 2 (NEG~ my hyphen button isn't working!!) Invasive ductal breast cancer. And then there is my age that seems to be consi...
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